Our Values

At CMA Scotland we recognize that all our activity must serve a wider social purpose. Either directly, or by providing the means for other participants in the Scottish water Market, we aim to promote improved customer service and support environmental objectives, such as enabling accurate billing and encouraging the efficient use of water. To do this, we always keep our social purpose in mind when applying our technical expertise or using our understanding of Market data.

We understand the importance of quality and reliability in the core operation of the Market – our systems and processes should function without errors or interruptions and should be easy for our users to operate. We comply with externally set standards of delivery and subject our work to assurance and audit.

In all our dealings with participants in the Market we strive to be even-handed and fair. We emphasize our Market role and perspective, and treat all participants in the Market equally irrespective of their role, size, or market share.

We keep cost effectiveness at the heart of every commercial transaction we make and consider value for money in all our expenditure, from the largest projects to the smallest purchases.

In all our activities, we strive for continuous improvement and progress. Taking a long-term view of our business functions and areas of work, we always aim to build on solid foundations. We look outwards for best practice and judge ourselves against it.